Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Bitcoin's Satoshi Reveal and Genetic Feudalism: I

Another 'Faketoshi' debuted this week and tried to claim the mantle of the anonymous Bitcoin inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto. Crypto watchers scoffed. The reveal was a hopelessly amateurish LARP. Faketoshi claimed he lost his 980,000 Bitcoins in a crashed laptop and that he deliberately uses bad English. He also does not make major decisions without checking their symbolic representations in a Chaldean numerology machine - and in the Bible.

I read Faketoshi's three-part bulletin so that you don't have to. I concluded was that this was not a Satoshi reveal at all. Beneath the blather, it seemed more sinister, a coded announcement about how Bitcoin will be used with Big Data to enslave us.

Mind you, I'm someone who concluded that Grammarly is spyware to track thoughtcrimes in writers' drafts folders.

Faketoshi stated he was a Pakistani Brit who is and was brilliant, although in truth he is and was more of a generalist who knew how to hire brilliant people. He is confidently coming forward now after a suicidal depression.

He had his hakuna matata years (warning: Disney reference) while he worked for the NHS. He spent years pretending that Bitcoin didn't exist and that he didn't invent it. But now, he's making a comeback to take Bitcoin in an exciting new direction. To do this, he has legally changed his name from Bilal Khalid to James Caan, because he is the Godfather of Bitcoin.

For someone who claims he was born in 1978, the reveal was filled with tone deaf cultural references suspiciously relevant to Baby Boomers (the reveal was dedicated to Steve Jobs?), rather than a younger generation. Faketoshi's Chaldean numerology, with its Babylonian disinformation, seemed to come straight from some Illuminati mystery sweat lodge.

Wait. Did he say he worked for the NHS?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Intermediate Range

Yesterday, the US Department of Defense tested a 500 km+ cruise missile in California (click the above image to play video). According to Defense One, this marks the end of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty (signed 1987) and the beginning of a cruise missile arms race, with the United States eyeing China and Russia:
"'China poses a much larger and more sophisticated long-term military threat than Russia,' says Elbridge Colby, director of the defense program at the Center for a New American Security. 'Washington would benefit from having the ability to deploy survivable land-based ballistic and cruise missile systems.'

Colby and others cite China’s growing missile arsenal, most of which is conventional and falls within ranges covered by the INF Treaty. 'The fact that Beijing has such missiles,' writes Marc Thiessen, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, 'puts the United States at a strategic disadvantage in any conflict with Beijing…our only possible response would be to strike China with intercontinental ballistic missiles—an unacceptable escalation.'

Their solution: toss out the INF Treaty, develop an American arsenal of ground-launched intermediate-range missiles, and deploy them to allied territory in the western Pacific. This highly visible and survivable strike option would deter China, they argue, or provide the needed flexibility to hit targets in mainland China should conflict erupt (most likely over Taiwan)."

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Satoshi in the Holy Sepulchre

I have a new blog post up at Vocal Media, concerning the three-day Christ-like reveal of Satoshi Nakomoto on a New York City PR firm's Website:

Today, tomorrow, and the day after, Bitcoin's inventor is supposedly revealing his identity here and here. Lo, But I Have Seen This Satoshi Nakamoto and He Cannot Write. His statement opens:
"I always believed in freedom and liberation of the common man and that’s the reason I began my Bitcoin journey but it’s ironic that I got trapped into something which I’d to set myself free from and it took me 8/9 years to understand and get the courage to fight myself and come-out without this erroneous notion that what would the world think about the truth, as truth is always stranger than fiction."
Satoshi! You have 980,000 Bitcoins! You can afford to hire an editor! The reveal is full of suspicious Illuminati-type numerology. As the reveal unfolds, I will remark on how this online mischief, along with the Epstein-scandal-as-psyop, may relate to the coming economic downturn.

- See my earlier post on Craig Wright's Satoshi reveal, here.