Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What 10 Million Facebook Friend Connections Look Like

Image Source: Forbes.

Earlier yesterday Forbes reported that a Facebook intern posted a "visualization of friendship connections between 10 million users."

Addendum: There's a link to the original Facebook site here.  The intern who generated the image, Paul Butler, described the process:
Visualizing data is like photography. Instead of starting with a blank canvas, you manipulate the lens used to present the data from a certain angle… When the data is the social graph of 500 million people, there are a lot of lenses through which you can view it. One that piqued my curiosity was the locality of friendship. I was interested in seeing how geography and political borders affected where people lived relative to their friends. I wanted a visualization that would show which cities had a lot of friendships between them.
The Guardian is reporting on how the image was created here.


  1. Hi there,

    I like your blog...! I am inviting you to visit my site, and if you follow me, I will follow you ok?


  2. Thanks very much for the nice comment Jesse, I signed on to your high art blog. Wonder what 4807 means...

  3. Wow, that's a handy Internet Map, isn't it?

  4. @Jay: Seems to me to be the virtual life of one part of the virtual world - the world's Facebook doppelgaenger.
