Friday, May 3, 2013

Blocked: Tower Block Neo-Noir

Rotting tower block neo-noir. Image Source: Andrew Laenen Photography.

Today, see a British neo-noir short film about heirlooms and how the past can come back to haunt you. The writer/director is London film-maker Billy Mullaney, who describes his work: "I write, direct, shoot and edit all my short movies on a low to no budget utilizing what I have around me, creativity and imagination. My production company is called Clingy Films Productions, visit my site:" (Hat tip: Trigger Street.) The film is Blocked (2012): "The Man is asked to find his neighbor's heirloom after being robbed by a few of the housing estate's hoodlums." The film stars Michael Southern and Alexis Peterman. The film's sparse dialogue offers layers of secrets, memories and pitfalls. The lost heirloom, an obscure pendant, is the cryptic key to everything. Like many things of immense value, its true worth is nearly impossible to recognize.

Video Source: Youtube.

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