Friday, June 12, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group. Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 12 June 2020, 4-7 p.m. Eastern (8-11 p.m. UTC). Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat.

In the chat:
  • On being red-pilled and authoritative narratives about reality versus alternative views.
  • New Zealand has passed a law to allow police to enter houses without a warrant and to force any medical treatment deemed necessary on citizens. No right to question or refuse vaccines, quarantine, or similar measures. A similar law, diminishing possibility for non-medical vaccination opt-outs, passed quietly in Colorado, USA this week.
  • Research warns that African Americans and people of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) descent are more susceptible to catching COVID19, of great concern given Black Lives Matter protests.
  • In esoteric chat: the symbol of the umbrella related to the pandemic from its beginning.
  • Economic depression and hyperinflation on the horizon and what to do.
To respond to current crises, it is not enough to wait for orders from above. Established governments and authorities are overstepping their power, while enmeshing public health and the public in a web of political agendas, pharmaceutical and technocratic expansion, and mainstream media psyops.

Local, grassroots and community groups (online and off) must counter-balance increasing top-down pressures, dictates and measures, to present the community with more options and constructive ideas on how to survive.

The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Subscriber blog posts on all these topics (Patreon: $1/month) will start next week. Access to the forum is for in-depth community discussion and planning to deal with financial stresses and the pandemic (Patreon: $5/month). Online video meetings are for specific problems and fine planning ($10/month).

Become a Patron!

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