Monday, August 17, 2020

The Internet of Humans

Image Source: Trade Finance Global.

Very few sources tell you clearly what is happening now in the world. Blogger activists Alison McDowell at Wrench in the Gears and Robin Eubanks at Invisible Serfs Collar explain how a new technocratic system and a human capital economy are being built on the backs of an Internet of Humans. They reveal radical truths in a bankrupt world, based on lies.

McDowell and Eubanks contend that today's technocrats and power-brokers are wolves in sheep's clothing, who conceal their real endgame behind benevolent rhetoric and philanthropic projects. The most serious example of this is evident in the new field of social impact investing, which transforms human lives into Big Data, anchored on blockchains, to drive AI systems of social control. These technocratic systems will eventually sideline today's state governments.

Image Source: David M. Masters.

Both bloggers are preoccupied with exposing systemic truths, cloaked in reversed and diversionary meanings. Eubanks has stated that his legal background led to his interest in accurate versus misleading language:
"I started off in Big Law doing corporate work and then helped start a legal department for a small healthcare company that grew to be a New York stock-exchange traded company. Healthcare turned into an excellent background for my current work in education as government regulation and special privileges drive the everyday dynamics of what raises money and creates costs.
A background in Law is also excellent preparation for determining precisely what the terms commonly used actually mean. Especially in an industry that is consciously using language to hide the actual intended goals. My experience allowed me to recognize that education in the US and globally has been, for decades, engaged in a massive Newspeak (as in George Orwell’s 1984) campaign that creates a public illusion on what is being promised and what is coming to the schools and classrooms that are this country’s future. I know what the words and terms really mean to an Ed insider and how it differs from the common public perception. ...

For me the English language is both a sword and a shield. I have documented what is really going on, written a book describing how and why education became a weapon."
McDowell has revealed technocratic plans for a Fourth Industrial Revolution in a recent interview, posted in four parts on Youtube. I have already posted these videos. But this is the one must-see set of Youtube videos in 2020. Please watch, please share.

Part 1: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (22 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 2: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (24 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 3: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (27 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 4: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (4 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 5: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (9 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

These plans may have been decades in the making and well formed, but there is no guarantee that these plans are scalable beyond their pilot project launches in American municipalities such as Harlem, New York, Santa Clara, California, and the Twin Cities - and, in the UK, Peterborough.

The technocracy is not inevitable but the launch phase is underway. Whether human capital and stakeholder capital projects will be implemented on a grand scale depends on the blindness, acquiescence, and obedience of the population. My upcoming posts on Patreon will discuss remedies to social blindness, and the public's inability to perceive technocratic dangers.

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