Thursday, September 3, 2020

Blog Forum Announcement: Covert Cryptos?

In the shift to a digitized economy, stakeholder capitalism, and commodified humanity, this blog's Discord research asks: if the global vaccination drive is administered by an AI-driven blockchain, will a cryptocurrency be used to monetize that blockchain, and if so, which one?

Discord #bookchats for Thursday and Friday September 3-4, 2020 will be canceled and replaced by chats on the forum, September 3-4, from 6 pm eastern. These are two catch-up sessions for Patreon supporters, who have access to the blog's forum.

Go to:

I won't be on Discord for #bookchat on Saturday, September 5, 2020.

Forum topics: (1) Identifying any investible cryptocurrency attached to the blockchain to be used in the global vaccination drive.  (2) AAVE, cryptos and real estate.

- The blog's private forum ( provides a community for medium-tier Patreon supporters ( Register at the forum and your account will be activated when your Patreon support is confirmed.

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