Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Lockdown Poem

Image Source © LC Douglass (2020) / Instagram.

Recent discussions on this blog's Discord group have focused on alchemical colour symbolism used in relation to artificial intelligence and the pandemic. For example, at the start of a great transformation necessary to produce a magnum opus, black must be pitted against white. Does this sound familiar?

I have a new poem about the lockdown which explores alchemical colours, just published on Vocal Media. It is an ode to unpacking all my mum's artworks.


  1. Now that I see it in full, your photograph is even more amazing. The subtle organic alchemy inherent in your mum's painting somehow transmuted all the surrounding objects - including the living flowers - into a quasi-dimensional construct in which the painting is the most real, tangible, vital entity. Make no mistake, Mum was a wizard.

    1. Thank you Dia! Yes, she was. She had a series called 'Magic Squares' where it looks like the squares are floating out of the painting at you. Other paintings looked like you were peering into a square peephole into a different world. It was all done with colour. I'll send you photos.
