Friday, July 10, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: Banks in the Potemkin Village

Image Source: 4chan.

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group ( This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 10 July 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: Banks in the Potemkin Village

  • Assessing current economic challenges.
  • How individuals can pivot into the new system. 
  • Summary of past four bookchats, 12 June, 19 June, 26 June, 3 July 2020.

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

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