Saturday, August 8, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchats: At the Lion's Gate

Strength card in the Tarot of the Imagination (8 March 2001) © Ferenc Pinter / Lo Scarabeo.

I have increased the bookchats on the blog's Discord group ( to include daily, unusual insights into the changing economy, especially in relation to cryptocurrencies, nanotechnology, and technocracy. Blockchains are fascinating - until you're inserted into them.

These meetings are each evening in the #bookchat room, (6-7:30 pm Eastern (10 pm-11:30 pm UTC). If I cannot attend at that time, I'll notify the Discord group and do the session the next day.

On Fridays, I will continue to talk in #bookchat (6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC) about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. This week, the possible start to World War 3 could not have been more surreal, when the People's Liberation Army introduced their dedicated boy band in a live Hong Kong performance, "I am the bullet."

解放軍駐港部隊唱歌跳舞 弱智到冇人有 backup (2 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village. Analyses of findings from these sessions will appear in blog posts and vidchats on Patreon and in the blog's forum. The blog's Discord, forum and Patreon offerings were established to develop a free, mutually-supporting community.

To mark the arcane Lion's Gate on 8/8/2020, the alt media are launching the fortnightly hashtag: #ExposeBillGatesDay. You can see related material on that herehereherehere, and here. I am not convinced that we will end up living and dying in a billionaire's paradise. These people are creatures of the system. When it is destroyed, they will erase their own bases for authority and wealth.

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