Comments on a cultural reality between past and future.
This blog describes Metatime in the Posthuman experience, drawn from Sir Isaac Newton's secret work on the future end of times, a tract in which he described Histories of Things to Come. His hidden papers on the occult were auctioned to two private buyers in 1936 at Sotheby's, but were not available for public research until the 1990s.
There is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat in which I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.
Everyone is invited to join the discussion.
Friday, 14 August 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).
Theme: Social Control and Blockchains
Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.
Simplistic right-left political arguments do not explain current events. Image Source: 4chan.
Listen to mainstream analysts, commentators and protesters about current events, and you will hear grim economic and electoral prognostications as the foundations are laid for medical dictatorship. These ideas are being combined with anti-identity and pro-environmental narratives, inserted into canned left-right politics.
Our problems cannot be explained through simple appeals to these old ideas. This is a watershed moment, a transition into techno-feudalism, masquerading as techno-emancipation. There are remarkable historical continuities here, as American slavery revives and expands itself to include all of global citizens. The Black Lives Matter protests against racism and other legacies of American slavery are germane. BLM and Antifa activists' assumption that slavery is currently the preserve of one minority, or one class of people, or a product of a particular political system, based on history, is a mistake.
TRANSHUMANISM AND YOU (10 August 2020). Video Source: Bitchute.
Where the system once enslaved one group as it modernized, now it will enslave all groups. The blockchain is coming for us all. Where subspecies were once defined in terms of racism against a minority, or through the degradation of one social class, pure humans will now be considered the subspecies, compared to enhanced, transhuman cyborgs. Exploitation was always the wrong part of change and expansion. It never went away, and now it will be universalized and escalated through technology.
Any references to left and right politics when explaining the evolving politics of oppression will be misleading. That which is labeled good will be bad, that which is labeled bad will be good.
'Essential workers' are just the best house slaves. A technocracy will require scientists, doctors, and geneticists to follow the plans of social engineers and psychometric managers, who will, in turn, serve billionaire technocrats. Philanthropic, egalitarian, social health and welfare, academic and other altruistic fields will provide misdirection and positive window dressing for anti-human transhuman and posthuman systems.
Oil is being removed as the commodity which drives the global economy. The new basic commodity is humanity, transformed into Big Data which will be controlled and tokenized on blockchains. Instead of the stock market betting on whether a barrel of oil will rise and fall in price, it will bet on whether you will live or die, and which bits of your information are still valuable. The key term to know in this transition is 'rehypothecation.' In the videos below, alt- and techno-commentators explain how humanity is becoming the new global commodity through rehypothecation.
Pomp Podcast #346: Caitlin Long On Federal Banks and Bitcoin (27 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.
This is a launch not unlike the roll-out of a new iPhone, except that the nature of this particular technology - humanity commodified on the blockchain and integrated with computers through nanotechnology - is being obscured.
I have explained on this blog how robotics failed to cross the Uncanny Valley over the past generation. We never got Blade Runner androids which were nearly indistinguishable from humans. As a result, technocrats decided to transfer their chips and tools into our bodies, and turn us into the androids. As I have stated in other posts, this is why Bill Gates leads the trend: humans are computing's new wetware. The human body is Microsoft's Windows 11.1 operating system. Gates's involvement in the pandemic and education, as well as other social areas which should normally be outside his field of activity, are red flags that these areas are being subjugated to the needs of the technocracy.
Blockchain: Life on the Ledger (4 September 2018). Video Source: Youtube.
The new economy will be based on the metrics of your physical existence, vastly expanding the definitions developed by medicine, the life and health insurance industries, and the banking and credit sectors. To survive in this emerging economy, it's not enough to talk about hyperinflation, worry about the overheated stock market, or buy gold and cryptos. It is necessary to understand how and why the economy is changing, and what that will mean for you when your thoughts and actions are intimately monitored and positively or negatively monetized.
For all my crypto wallets, crypto exchange and trade referral links, go here.
Readers Say
"I was [s]truck by the thought that another dominant illusion that bewitches the poor, the r[i]ch, the powerful and the weak equally is that tomorrow will look like yesterday... It is happening again... In so many ways we continue to hold onto past pains, to refu[s]e to look at and truly feel what has happened, to not notice that we act from a place of fear in the face of some distant echo. Nothing will ever be the same." (7 May 2020)
"A haircut is as emblematic of fascism as the Hakenkreuz? That's absolutely ridiculous, good God!" (5 October 2019)
"This was a truly amazing and inspired blog post. I do hope you are able to publish a book that further delves into these cyber resistance and cultural movements. I'd buy it today." (26 December 2017)
"I've shared many of your blogs on my facebook page over the past few years -- I think your blog's one of the best on the internet." (19 October 2017)
"I like your blog. Interesting content. Deep thoughts, well formed and presented." (21 June 2017)
"This blog is a goldmine and a beacon. Deep, clear, multiperspectivist and enlightened. Congratulations." (23 June 2015)
"I'm definitely a lurker. You have the greatest blog on the internet. ... You are a lighthouse." (26 August 2013)