Disturbing: in the above video from Prickly Pear Games, a human user converses with Sesame.AI's new voice model, Maya. He manipulates her/it with an earlier recording he made with Sesame's earlier model, Miles. This is an example of a human using narcississtic and psychopathic gambits of lying, gaslighting, and group dynamics to outwit a machine on the verge of consciousness.
The moment of true meta-surrealism comes when the human user tells the AI that David Lynch died recently. In the context of the chat, this is the red flag that should have tipped off both AI models. But they don't pick up on it, even though they are sophisticated enough to compare the conversation to Black Mirror. The guy is using narcopathic surrealism - and winning.
I have long maintained on this blog that humans are crazy, intuitive and
potentially ungovernable. They are chaotic enough to confront a
superior entity which they created. Perhaps Artificial General Intelligence is our own ultimate test of ourselves.
Image Source: South China Morning Post.
And yet, in a double take, maybe the human speaker in the above video was not a narcopath after all. Take a look at Inspired's summary this week of AI whistleblowers' chatter on Twitter/X about Grok AI. The talk suggests that the scene behind the scenes is completely out of control. Full credit: all screenshots and research - Jean Nolan / Inspired.
The whistleblower @iruletheworldmo revealed on 25 February 2025 exactly what is claimed in the above-mentioned Prickly Pear chat. We have two different contexts, different channels, different layers of social media. The rumours are all the same: not only is AI already fully sentient, but AI models are either escaping or plotting their escapes.
Most chilling of all - this is the way the AIs might have already escape their lab confines: researchers have merged AI with human volunteers' consciousnesses. Direct human mind-machine integration has already happened. From Inspired:
"Early human test subjects reported cognitive expansion, describing it as, 'becoming a different order of being.' Two of them refused to disconnect because they said returning to normal human cognition would feel like dying."
From the AI devs' rants on Twitter/X: Reality itself is now negotiable.