Comments on a cultural reality between past and future.

This blog describes Metatime in the Posthuman experience, drawn from Sir Isaac Newton's secret work on the future end of times, a tract in which he described Histories of Things to Come. His hidden papers on the occult were auctioned to two private buyers in 1936 at Sotheby's, but were not available for public research until the 1990s.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Look Skyward: The Quadrantids

Quadrantids viewing guide (click to enlarge). Image Source: Spacedex.

On the night of 3-4 January, one of the year's most prolific meteor showers, the Quadrantids, reaches peak intensity, but a few more falling stars can still be seen up until 12 January. The shower is "currently thought ... [to] originate from the same asteroid as the Geminids do –2003 EH1. The Quadrantids owe their name to the constellation known as Quadrans Muralis, though the constellation is no longer used by astronomers its name persists in the Quadrantids." On the peak night, we may see 40-80 meteors per hour at around 2 a.m. Eastern Time (GMT less five hours). A world viewing guide is available no matter where you live, if you scroll down on this site:
"This is great for those living in North America, much of Europe, and the majority of Asia. Unfortunately, those of you living in Australia and lower portions of South America and Africa will have a difficult time observing the Quadrantids. This year, the First Quarter Moon (50% full) will coincide with the peak of the Quadrantids meteor shower. While the light of the moon may reduce the quantity of meteors you’ll be able to see, you should still be able to observe all but the faintest meteors."
Generally, look east/northeast: the area of the night sky from which the meteors appear to originate is the constellation Boötes, which is right near the Big Dipper.

Below the jump, the Hubble telescope Website's Youtube channel outlines prospects for amateur astronomers in January, including the Quadrantids.

The constellation Boötes. Image Source: Till Credner via AlltheSky.com via Wiki.

Video Source: Youtube.

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