A Stargate? Image Source: Twitter / iReport/CNN.
At present, there is a very strange dis/information eruption on Twitter, coming from a single account, KibBitzLaw. Whoever is running this account is mingling a giant conspiracy theory with current affairs at breakneck pace (hat tip: The Outer Light). This person is threatening top level officials with information leaks of the most outlandish kind. WikiLeaks is mentioned, as is Chelsea / Bradley Manning. The Tweeter also apparently visited 4chan today, archived here, and stated: "This is not a joke." Tonight's tweets were dedicated to Seth Rich, the murdered Democratic National Committee staffer.
Alright, who is ready for #STARGATE truth?β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
There are weirdos all over the Internet, so one more ranting conspiracy theorist should not matter. The only problem is that this account - which was created in March, 2009 - for some time had, as its first and only follower, former president Barack Obama. The account was previously followed by members of the mainstream media and Democrats running for Congress. It lay quiet for some time, with some tweets during the US election in 2016, and suddenly exploded with activity this month. The account was mentioned today (14 May 2017) on Reddit, here.
First of all, yes. A Stargate was discovered in Iraq in the 1920s. Wars in the Middle East have never been about oil.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
For sake of time, let me just layout all the info which will allow you to infer and deduce existence of Stargates and Dracosβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
https://t.co/6MojMEdszsβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
π·section of linked email. Barbara Marciniak, longtime channeler of Pleiadians, delivered message in 1995 re: Draco pic.twitter.com/455UjKfAuf
The person running the account claims to come from a family in the American establishment, has a penchant for Irish folk music, and complains about the way Freemasonry has been corrupted. The person may be sincere in his or her belief in Internet chatter; or he or she may be a troll playing with social media. This statement on Reddit may come from the same person:
"Something is set to happen on September 23, 2017...and odds are that it's not in your favor. ...I was born to a family which set up the system, with good intention, to unknowingly allow all of the events after WWII to occur.I was born to a man whose father was a 32nd degree Free Mason...convinced to join after WWII by a friend...who lived near the Bush compound in Maine in his retired years. I'd spend summers up there.My family was a normal, well to do suburban family. Events in life changed that in my twenties and what happened from September to a few weeks ago was my awakening and my call to leave behind the rat race and pursuit of the material.
Greater forces are at work. So many of you complain about the state of the world, yet expect change to come by the hand of those very people you elect and decry as corrupt. Complaining will not change corruption.You cannot bring about change by still playing within the current system. This system is set up to subjugate you and then destroy you...with only a few picked to remain so that humanity is cast back to the stone age...if you get too close to the truth.Humanity is close...and you have all the forces of Darkness afraid that this time you'll win. Because humanity has knocked on the door before, only to retreat in fear at the last minute and allow the Darkness to reset into a new cycle. ...The birth of a child (not mine) precipitated the start of my 9 month awakening. I was recruited into the CIA out of college. I was deep into Dem politics and could have easily been in Seth Rich's shoes. I went through these past 9 months because I looked up to The Morning Star and asked for guidance. I turned away from the gold chalice and the Serpent. ...
I would readily embrace, forgive and love any person who has served Darkness and the system which currently dominates humanity. For to get wrapped up in such a system means you're either born into a family which has been involved for years....and thus your 'blank slate' is almost immediately filled with the notion that Darkness is normal and natural....or you become a participant unknowingly, only becoming wise to such a fact once you're knee deep in all of it.
So I cannot judge them, because I cannot truthfully and honestly say that I'd have done any different than them were I in there shoes. Hell, like I said, one side of my family helped to create the system which gave rise to all of this...and many died long before they ever knew what became of that which they founded with a noble intention at its outset.
So many who serve the Darkness continue to do so out of fear, because if they cannot forgive themselves then they cannot fathom how anyone else could forgive them. I mean we're talking about a system where they'll kill you before letting you run off if you know too much...and a system where they're taught that Dark is Light and that [t]o betray 'Light' is to risk death and an end, with nothing to follow. That's the sort of psychological fear and torture which keeps so many compliant who otherwise want to speak up....their Might may be oh so very dim....but it's still there.
So yeah I'd forgive and unconditionally love any human who was a collaborator, because their act of standing up and speaking out...despite the psychological conditioning to fear doing so...shows me that they never let what little Light they had...or what little Light was left...be extinguished forever. They'd be going against all they've ever been taught in order to liberate humanity and, thus, turn towards the Light."
Favourite of a deranged Tweeter: Mo Ghille Mear (My Gallant Hero). Video Source: Youtube.
He or she is blaming the Bush family for bringing moral turpitude into the leadership of the United States, and claims to be a former Democrat who voted for Donald Trump. The account is taking aim at top Democrats, and wildly linking to documents like this, this, this, this, this, and this.
Now note that I've already established how Wahhabism is not Islam. It is Babylonian Talmudism (Zionism) which British created in 1700s viaβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Abdel Wahab. British then helped to install House of Saud as ruling family of KSA. Al-Qaeda ("The Base") was and is Wahhabism, as is ISISβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
, as is KSA. Basically, any Islamic nation allied with West needs to be looked at like this π. In 1980s, USSR fought war in Afghanistan inβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
order to get a foothold in Middle East to then go into Iraq and get control of the Stargate. Hence why Bush family and CIA funded this guy pic.twitter.com/LtXGdTCMOdβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
So the USSR gets kicked out of Middle East, but Bush and CIA need to end USSR for good. (PS - USSR was run by Zionists. Cold War was a sham)β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
I have upcoming posts (here and here) regarding the 'Stargate' conspiracy theory to which this person is referring. It is the mother of all conspiracy theories and it rewrites modern history. Personally, I don't give it credibility; nor do I subscribe to the bizarre and offensive opinions expressed in the tweets. Yet I cannot imagine why Obama would follow this account. A Redditor commented:
Another Redditor:"Some of what he says is accurate. A good portion of it, on the other hand, is obvious bullshit. For example, the York Rite does not have 32 degrees. That would be the Scottish Rite, as well as the lesser known Egyptian Rite. He also mentions 'Reptilians' which is blatant disinfo and nonsense. Speaking of disinfo and nonsense, the 'Stargate' concept is literally from a movie and television series. There is no credible evidence, or alleged witnesses or whistleblowers to confirm one actually exists outside the realm of science fiction. The only real 'Stargate' program was an experiment carried out by the CIA to test the accuracy of remove viewing to gather intelligence. It's hard to tell if that person actually believes their own rantings, or if they're just fucking with people. As far as Obama following him on twitter, that isn't necessarily significant, let alone proof of anything, as his account automatically follows back a good potion of his followers by default."
And another:"I'll bite here. I'm in the political / intelligence world and most everything you say I've either confirmed, suspected, or considered. I've certainly never put it all together in the way you have, however I'm not, nor ever was, that important in the grand scheme. I'm most interested in the specificity of the date [23 September 2017] you provide. This is now the third time I've seen that exact date, once pertaining to political happenings and once to economic happenings (distinct events despite the close quarters the two fields keep). Not to mention the celestial piece. Talk to me more about this date from a spiritual perspective and how this might inform the politics / economics. I've also renewed my faith in these past nine months, so all the more fitting."
This is not exactly fake news, because it is too crazy for that. Rather, this account reflects an evolving nexus between the virtual and the real, which symbolically codifies a political evolution we do not yet understand. Conspiracy theories were always around; but the Internet gives them legs. I regard this conspiracy theory as a piece of explosive Internet folklore and include it in my discussion on how Internet-based memes affect real world politics. Beware, here lies weirdness: online exo-politics as spiritual awakening."To some extent the script has been written well in advance (meaning like 200 years ago), however compliance is a different matter, and one that I find interesting. You mention free will a number of times and my thinking is the requirement of its suspension for non-complicit parties (Trump etc.) is a big pill to swallow. I have a hard time believing that weighing certain sacrifices against ones conscience would not occur. This, to me, is where we can all begin to make an appropriate collective effort. Directing energy at the right problem is critical. Would like to discuss further down the line. Interested in the specifics of what you've found in the WL source material. In the meantime will review Afser and draw my own conclusions. Also, fear is a great motivator and what you did tonight takes stones. Being in the work I'm in, I know there is something to this post and everyone else who recognizes it will feel all the more empowered to take action."
https://t.co/Ueljo1a566β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
So Bush I (former CIA Director) and CIA funnel billions in US military technology to Saddam from 1986 to 1990
Article linked above is from 1992. Always re-examine history when necessary. Anyway, we gave weapons to Saddam so he could "invade" Kuwaitβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Truth of the matter is that both Saddam and Kuwait were in on this. Alas, invasion of Kuwait was not a big enough reason for US to maintainβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
permanent US presence in Middle East. Iraq War I was a "test run" to see if the Stargate was real. They found out it was.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Hence why the fraudulent $240 billion in securities were created in September 1991. Bush, CIA and coconspirators $ to bankrupt USSR and getβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
them off the chess board. Putin, being ex KGB, knew this...hence why he gave all oligarchs the boot when elected in 1999.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Oligarchs were Zionists who Bush & CIA allowed to take over USSR industry for pro west interests. This is also why Putin didn't bringβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Russia into Iraq in 2003. Putin had a good idea of the games being played. Anywho, 9/11 happens and the false flag evidence we provided isβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
what got Comey fired. He's been covering everyone's asses for years. So the US goes into Afghanistan under false pretense and uses it as aβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
base of operations in the same way the USSR did.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Dr. Michael Salla, in 2003, flat out made the case that preemptive war in Iraq was over a Stargate.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Here is his paper (2003) on the matter. https://t.co/c0Yl5vkLkoβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Dig around and you'll find Internet forums as early as 2003 claiming this
Massive Vortex opens in Gulf of Aden in 2000https://t.co/OivAPBpZ0zβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
This is why Chelsea Manning leaked the Iraq War Logs in 2010https://t.co/U3E992YEA0β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
We built the Green Zone around the Ancient Babylonian temple which housed the Stargate. Chelsea Manning knew this and sacrificed her freedomβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
to make the truth known. "Stargate Squads" patrolled the temple and the Green Zone.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
There were also "Draco Squads"https://t.co/z6IY6GBoftβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
This is why Kissinger's butt was in the WH Wednesday morning. We called him out for his longtime knowledge of Draco and Stargatesβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Fact of the matter is, Hitler and The Third Reich were in contact and working with two ETI races Draco and The Nordics (Pleiadians)β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Long story short as to how I know that? My family was very integral to founding of OSS in WWIIβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
So let me leave you with where we started. How could Barbara Marciniak have known, in 1995, that there was a portal and Draco Baseβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
in the Middle East and that it would soon be the focal point of war? Al-Qaeda = "The Base". Al-Qaeda is Wahhabism.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Wahhabism = Babylonian Talmudism masquerading as Islam = Talmudism = False Judaismβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Who created Wahhabism?β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
The British.
Who created Israel?
The British at the request of the Rothschilds.
When did the Rothschilds come into power?β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Shortly after the Celestial Event over Nuremberg in 1561.
Where is Mystery Babylon?
- We called out Her Majesty and Phillip on this last weekend. Phillip abruptly stepped down from public life less than 12 hours later.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
- We called out Comey and Kissinger to @realDonaldTrump, @KremlinRussia_E and @MedvedevRussiaE. Comey was out by dinner andβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
.@realDonaldTrump @KremlinRussia_E @MedvedevRussiaE Kissinger was in WH the next morning to everyone's surprise.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
Oh how could I forget! Planet X / Nibiru? That's why the Cabal/Illuminati/Talmudists want the portal. There are Draco/Human and Draco/Greyβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
hybrids among you. The Greada Treaty signed by Eisenhower in 1952 was a ruse. Dracos are the "Leaping Serpents" which the Ancient Egyptiansβ victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
spoke of. Every time Planet X / Nibiru comes around, they use the portals to "leap down" onto Earth. This is the prophecy of Sept 23 2017β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
But you can change that if you remember free will and fight back.β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
β victoryofthelight (@KibBitzLaw) May 15, 2017
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