Comments on a cultural reality between past and future.

This blog describes Metatime in the Posthuman experience, drawn from Sir Isaac Newton's secret work on the future end of times, a tract in which he described Histories of Things to Come. His hidden papers on the occult were auctioned to two private buyers in 1936 at Sotheby's, but were not available for public research until the 1990s.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus Fragments 8: Ontario, Canada

CORONAVIRUS CASE IN TORONTO, CANADA (8 March 2020). Video Source: Bitchute.

Here is an update regarding Ontario, Canada. This post follows up on an earlier post from 4 March 2020, in which I described the Canadian Diamond Princess evacuees who were sent to Cornwall. Those evacuees had had only a fortnight of real quarantine; their preceding two weeks on the Diamond Princess do not count, since the ship was essentially a giant coronavirus incubator. They were released last Friday, 6 March 2020, and were sent by bus to Canada's three major eastern cities, without the group being completely tested. Military personnel and medics who accompanied the evacuees from Japan were released early and did not endure even one fortnight period of quarantine. Red Cross volunteers who helped the evacuees in a Cornwall refugee facility were not quarantined or tested. Thus, everyone who was involved in the Cornwall quarantine is now mixing, unprotected, with the populations of the Ottawa Valley, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal.

The video below describes three possible, but unconfirmed, COVID19 cases 60-90 minutes' drive west of Cornwall in Smiths Falls and Brockville. All three calls came to the 911 emergency dispatcher early on 8 March 2020. One call came from Brockville's jail.


The other two calls were a few minutes' drive from each other, one at a care facility for people with mental health issues (Shardon Manor) and one at a care facility for the elderly and for people with disabilities (Rosebridge Manor).

In 2009, Shardon Manor's parent institution, the Rideau Regional Centre, closed after 58 years in operation. The Rideau Regional Centre, a sprawling complex on 350 acres, was once the country's largest facility for people with physical and mental disabilities. In the decades leading up to its closure, the Centre became a hotbed for Hepatitis B infections. Allegations of physical, mental, drug and sexual abuses which occurred at the facility led to multi-million-dollar class action lawsuits.

Shardon Manor care home questioned (2013). Video Source: CBC.

Part of the site then evolved into Shardon Manor, which continued to house some former Rideau Regional Centre patients. In 2013, the Manor was investigated by the CBC for disgraceful conditions. By late last year, the main buildings of the Rideau Regional Centre had become a magnet for Canadian urban explorers.

Abandoned Rideau Regional Centre Psychiatric Hospital | Urban Exploring Videos (19 November 2019). Video Source: Youtube.

Shardon Manor currently features service in Cantonese and Mandarin as well as English and French; it appears to be under Chinese ownership or management, and has someone with a Chinese name as main point of contact.

Thus, it seems that this facility was bought up by a Chinese investor to develop special care homes. The CBC report on Shardon Manor's conditions, although from 2013, is an alarming one if the situation has not improved and the novel coronavirus is now spreading through the premises.

ADDENDUM (20 March 2020): Today, at 1 p.m. Eastern, I saw a person face down on the pavement outside the Foodland grocery store in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. I did not confirm whether this was a case of COVID19 or something else.

ADDENDUM (21 March 2020): There is a Website keeping track of all Ontario cases here - its database is here. There was a surge of cases in Ontario on 20 March. The Ontario self-assessment Website is here.

See all my posts on Epidemics here and here.

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