Comments on a cultural reality between past and future.

This blog describes Metatime in the Posthuman experience, drawn from Sir Isaac Newton's secret work on the future end of times, a tract in which he described Histories of Things to Come. His hidden papers on the occult were auctioned to two private buyers in 1936 at Sotheby's, but were not available for public research until the 1990s.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Awaken the Amnesiacs 13: Wake Up, You're Next

Wake Up Outta Your Sleep (3 May 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

The Technological Revolution stands at a crossroads. The leaders of the technocratic movement are using the global population to enter the heart of darkness. My Awaken the Amnesiacs series concerns the ways in which the technocratic movement has exploited human slumber, both the collective unconscious and a deliberately-imposed unconsciousness, forced upon our daily awareness.

Wake Up, You're Next

Dear members of the global public, you must wake up. You must heed the warnings. You must not sleepwalk into the technocratic heart of darkness. Authoritative voices will tell you to trust authority under the guise of the left-right division. They will tell you that believing them is part of your personal identity. You are intelligent, well-educated, prosperous, respectable, well-traveled, civilized, and liberal.

Make no mistake. The technocracy will use these slogans, but it is about being none of these things. Stop believing authorities, just because they are mainstream and official. It is not good enough, in the Age of Information, to state something and be believed just because one is authoritative. Purveyors of information must be telling the truth.

Nor is the current debate solely about COVID19, lockdowns, or a mandatory vaccine. This is not about whether a citizen is personally 'respectable' or 'intelligent,' or not. This is not about what other people will think if you change your mind. It is not even about the virulence of the virus and whether good citizens obey lockdowns. Leave all smug dismissals and judgements of others at the door. This is about whether you and everyone else will be subjugated to technocratic totalitarianism. It is about the implementation of the human body and brain as the new technocratic operating system. This is not a game.

If you agree with the mainstream media and official line because you think that Bill Gates is a selfless great humanitarian and his critics are ignorant, stupid, and left behind, impoverished racists, then you are reacting based on your social, educational, political, and professional conditioning.

For your own sake and for of all humankind, step back from politics. Even step back from the pandemic. Investigate the COVID19 question purely in terms of what is happening in the technological space. Look at what is being done in that space. Begin researching the proposals and projects which are bring brought forward now, particularly in the areas of transhumanism, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Listen to the years of speeches, made by tech leaders. Listen to the words they have used, the plans and promises they have made. Start with the fact that Bill Gates called his vaccine, "the Final Solution." That was not a mistake. Wake up.

Do not only consider the sources you usually consult. Examine the companies involved. Read their Websites. Do not do this to criticize the anti-vaxxers or the moronic, racist populists and conservatives. Stop relying on outdated political ideologies and rhetoric, which were designed to enslave you and keep you asleep, trapped in the false emancipation of hating the other half of the political population. Look into these questions now, as if for the first time, because if you do not, your own life, as an individual, will be destroyed.

What Americans MUST Remember Once the Dust Settles... (4 May 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Pitted against these authoritative voices are alternative voices, like the Youtuber above. It is not these contending mainstream and alternative media actors who will profit or lose, based on your decision over whom to believe - it is you, directly. Do your research. Read and listen widely, not just in the places you are accustomed to seek information. You must wake up.

Imagine the picture presented in Robert Browning's 1844 poem, Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came, about which I have blogged here.

Childe Roland is a poem about a knight, cut off from his company, all of whom have been picked off, one by one. This knight is the last of his companions. In despair and isolation, he comes to a crossroads, where a smirking, sinister guardian of the road encourages the knight to take the wrong turn: "My first thought was, he lied in every word." The knight ends up at the Dark Tower, and all around him, there are ear-splitting warnings, screaming at him. He is deaf and blind, but in a sudden moment, he hears the alarms and recognizes that he has nearly wandered into the heart of darkness.

Into the Heart of Darkness

The Heart of Darkness scene from King Kong (2005) © Universal Pictures. Reproduced under Fair Use. Video Source: Youtube.

As the technocrats push humanity toward the heart of darkness, at double time, and drive us forward with crowbars and sticks, we may well ask: why do they keep going? They know that they are pushing everything past the point of no return. Some of these moguls and tech designers have even had moments of doubt. Why are they so convinced that there are problems, yes, but we must do this anyway? Hurry, hurry, hurry, we must do this now. There is no time to debate. There is no time to pause and contemplate. Their breathless rush is a warning sign that something is wrong.

Political and media authorities, and the tech leaders behind them, do this on purpose so that the global public cannot wake up and question them. We will be given no time or space to consider whether or not the technocratic course and transhumanist cybernetic immersion is healthy and justified. The time to consider these questions was in the independent media, from 2005 to 2019. If you did not use that time wisely, then you will have to wake up quickly, and you must wake up now.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD (22 August 2016). Video Source: Youtube.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Full Game Walkthrough - Longplay No Commentary (PS4) (24 August 2016). Video Source: Youtube.

See all my posts in the series, Awaken the Amnesiacs.

See all my posts on Epidemics here and here.

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