Image Source: World Arts Film Festival.
Posts on this blog have asked about the impact of technology on traditional life, a destabilization of norms, and a dislocation from stable geographical and economic bases. The shift from static to kinetic applies in media as in life. Perhaps the dynamic Millennial existence resembles a kaleidoscope, where identity, time, memory, place, beliefs, the virtual and real, constantly tumble and lock into new realities. All elements are moving pieces which come together in a way that resembles living systems. The trick to see this is depth of perspective.
Naturally occurring fractal pattern, cells in a cross-section of a plant stalk. Image Source: pinterest.
Neuronal cells. Image Source: Eye of Science.
"Equivocal kaleidoscope. Ai Weiwei welded 150 bicycle frames into an impressive installation. The work is not only a reference to cars taking over the streets in China, but also to a prominent show trial. Several years ago, a young Chinese man was arrested and mistreated for not registering his bicycle. He was later sentenced to death." Image Source: DW.
Microphotograph of the ovary of a flower by Ray Nelson. Image Source: The Daily Polymer Arts Blog.
Image Source: Hotel-R.
Electric pulses from a human brain cell. Image Source: 123RF.
Trippy 014: Psychedelic particles randomly pulse and flow (Loop). Image Source: Shutterstock.
Human Cerebral Cortex, Alfonso Rodríguez-Baeza and Marisa Ortega-Sánchez, scanning electron microscope (2009). Image Source: pinterest. Compare with the brain cell gif in my post, Making Memories.
Marker art installation by artist Heike Weber (2013). Image Source: Bored Panda. Compare with the installations of artist Clemens Behr.
See my earlier post on Microphotography.
See all my posts on Wonders of the Millennial World.
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