Comments on a cultural reality between past and future.

This blog describes Metatime in the Posthuman experience, drawn from Sir Isaac Newton's secret work on the future end of times, a tract in which he described Histories of Things to Come. His hidden papers on the occult were auctioned to two private buyers in 1936 at Sotheby's, but were not available for public research until the 1990s.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

New Post at The Dragonfly: Break the Spell

"Chimpanzees pass down a ‘secret handshake’ through the generations, according to a new study." Image Source: The Crypto Crew.

I have a new post up at The Dragonfly:

Break the Spell

You cannot save the planet by destroying humanity. You cannot stop the planetary processes already at work.

This blog recently passed 4 million hits! I am extremely grateful to everyone who has taken time to stop here and read my posts over the past decade. Thank you.

See related posts here, here, here and here.

Monday, December 14, 2020

An Invitation to Regular Blog Readers

Image Source: Sporcle.

Everyone is invited to join the blog's private forum for a limited time. We also have a private Telegram group. Please DM me through my website for access.

ADDENDUM (30 December 2020): I will put my notes from the Ivan on Tech Altcoin Market free webinar from 30 December 2020 on the forum later on that same day. Access to the forum is still free for non-Patreon subscribers, up to and including 1 January 2021 until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on that day (4:59 a.m. UTC on 2 January 2021). After that, access to the forum will be closed and accessible only to Patreon subscribers. Those who have entered during the holiday period of 2020 will remain in the forum. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Hallowe'en 2020: A Little Switch A Roo

Abandoned Panamanian villa near the site of disappearance of Dutch tourists. Image Source: 4chan / archive.is.

On 4 August 2020, 4chan/x/ - the forum's paranormal board - discussed the 2014 disappearance of Dutch tourists Lisanne Froon and Kris Kremers. They took note of  a 2020 BBC news story about a murdered band of tourists at Gatún Lake. They also discussed this probably-photoshopped, grisly image from Deadfleet Non 2011, thereby adding to the distressing mystery, which has circulated on the Internet for years.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Blog Forum Announcement: Covert Cryptos?

In the shift to a digitized economy, stakeholder capitalism, and commodified humanity, this blog's Discord research asks: if the global vaccination drive is administered by an AI-driven blockchain, will a cryptocurrency be used to monetize that blockchain, and if so, which one?

Discord #bookchats for Thursday and Friday September 3-4, 2020 will be canceled and replaced by chats on the forum, September 3-4, from 6 pm eastern. These are two catch-up sessions for Patreon supporters, who have access to the blog's forum.

Go to: https://hottc.forumotion.com/t25-can-blockchains-save-us-from-blockchains

I won't be on Discord for #bookchat on Saturday, September 5, 2020.

Forum topics: (1) Identifying any investible cryptocurrency attached to the blockchain to be used in the global vaccination drive.  (2) AAVE, cryptos and real estate.

- The blog's private forum (https://hottc.forumotion.com) provides a community for medium-tier Patreon supporters (https://www.patreon.com/LCDouglass). Register at the forum and your account will be activated when your Patreon support is confirmed.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Can Blockchains Save Us from Blockchains?

Will blockchains enslave us or free us? Image Source: Harvard University.

In June, I moved discussions on this blog to a Discord group, blog forum, and Patreon posts, to build a community and avoid censorship. After two months, Discord chats reveal that behind the pandemic lies the global implementation of blockchain technology, through the planned vaccination of every person on earth.

Distributed ledgers can track and trace vaccines as well as the vaccinated. Critics claim that blockchains can also potentially establish a new kind of technocratic slavery.

We stand at a crossroads, because blockchains offer Main Street a way to survive during an economic collapse. Cryptocurrencies, gold and silver are the main hedges for the common people against a new great depression, a shelter from technocrats' transition to worldwide stakeholder capitalism, which the latter call the Great Reset.

While this reset is couched in benevolent, humanitarian and inclusive terms, a World Economic Forum discussion on 3 June 2020 revealed that it is anything but. Davos leaders plan to cap the number of stakeholders in their planned economy at 1 billion and they mean to select that group of 1 billion people. And again, critical to that cashless and exclusive Great Reset system is the blockchain. Central banks and the financial districts of the world are suddenly united in their pursuit of digital currencies.

Can blockchains save us from blockchains? To answer this and other pandemic questions, I have divided the discussion into the following schedule:

Discord #bookchat: Problems of the Pandemic
  • Saturdays, Sundays and all weekdays except Friday: 6 pm-7:30 pm; Fridays: 6 pm-9 pm Eastern (NYC) time. The bookchat on Fridays covers research relating to the writing of my red-pilled history of the early 21st century, Inside the Potemkin Village.
Blog forum (for Patreon supporters): Answers in the Pandemic
  • Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays: 7:30 pm-9 pm Eastern (NYC) time. Includes: cryptocurrency investment discussion, prepping, economic survival.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Internet of Humans

Image Source: Trade Finance Global.

Very few sources tell you clearly what is happening now in the world. Blogger activists Alison McDowell at Wrench in the Gears and Robin Eubanks at Invisible Serfs Collar explain how a new technocratic system and a human capital economy are being built on the backs of an Internet of Humans. They reveal radical truths in a bankrupt world, based on lies.

McDowell and Eubanks contend that today's technocrats and power-brokers are wolves in sheep's clothing, who conceal their real endgame behind benevolent rhetoric and philanthropic projects. The most serious example of this is evident in the new field of social impact investing, which transforms human lives into Big Data, anchored on blockchains, to drive AI systems of social control. These technocratic systems will eventually sideline today's state governments.

Image Source: David M. Masters.

Both bloggers are preoccupied with exposing systemic truths, cloaked in reversed and diversionary meanings. Eubanks has stated that his legal background led to his interest in accurate versus misleading language:
"I started off in Big Law doing corporate work and then helped start a legal department for a small healthcare company that grew to be a New York stock-exchange traded company. Healthcare turned into an excellent background for my current work in education as government regulation and special privileges drive the everyday dynamics of what raises money and creates costs.
A background in Law is also excellent preparation for determining precisely what the terms commonly used actually mean. Especially in an industry that is consciously using language to hide the actual intended goals. My experience allowed me to recognize that education in the US and globally has been, for decades, engaged in a massive Newspeak (as in George Orwell’s 1984) campaign that creates a public illusion on what is being promised and what is coming to the schools and classrooms that are this country’s future. I know what the words and terms really mean to an Ed insider and how it differs from the common public perception. ...

For me the English language is both a sword and a shield. I have documented what is really going on, written a book describing how and why education became a weapon."
McDowell has revealed technocratic plans for a Fourth Industrial Revolution in a recent interview, posted in four parts on Youtube. I have already posted these videos. But this is the one must-see set of Youtube videos in 2020. Please watch, please share.

Part 1: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (22 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 2: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (24 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 3: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (27 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 4: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (4 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 5: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (9 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

These plans may have been decades in the making and well formed, but there is no guarantee that these plans are scalable beyond their pilot project launches in American municipalities such as Harlem, New York, Santa Clara, California, and the Twin Cities - and, in the UK, Peterborough.

The technocracy is not inevitable but the launch phase is underway. Whether human capital and stakeholder capital projects will be implemented on a grand scale depends on the blindness, acquiescence, and obedience of the population. My upcoming posts on Patreon will discuss remedies to social blindness, and the public's inability to perceive technocratic dangers.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: Social Control and Blockchains

Image Source: 4chan.

There is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat in which I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 14 August 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: Social Control and Blockchains

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Time and Politics 28: The Transhuman Globalization of Slavery

Simplistic right-left political arguments do not explain current events. Image Source: 4chan.

Listen to mainstream analysts, commentators and protesters about current events, and you will hear grim economic and electoral prognostications as the foundations are laid for medical dictatorship. These ideas are being combined with anti-identity and pro-environmental narratives, inserted into canned left-right politics.

Our problems cannot be explained through simple appeals to these old ideas. This is a watershed moment, a transition into techno-feudalism, masquerading as techno-emancipation. There are remarkable historical continuities here, as American slavery revives and expands itself to include all of global citizens. The Black Lives Matter protests against racism and other legacies of American slavery are germane. BLM and Antifa activists' assumption that slavery is currently the preserve of one minority, or one class of people, or a product of a particular political system, based on history, is a mistake.

TRANSHUMANISM AND YOU (10 August 2020). Video Source: Bitchute.

Where the system once enslaved one group as it modernized, now it will enslave all groups. The blockchain is coming for us all. Where subspecies were once defined in terms of racism against a minority, or through the degradation of one social class, pure humans will now be considered the subspecies, compared to enhanced, transhuman cyborgs. Exploitation was always the wrong part of change and expansion. It never went away, and now it will be universalized and escalated through technology.

Any references to left and right politics when explaining the evolving politics of oppression will be misleading. That which is labeled good will be bad, that which is labeled bad will be good.

'Essential workers' are just the best house slaves. A technocracy will require scientists, doctors, and geneticists to follow the plans of social engineers and psychometric managers, who will, in turn, serve billionaire technocrats. Philanthropic, egalitarian, social health and welfare, academic and other altruistic fields will provide misdirection and positive window dressing for anti-human transhuman and posthuman systems.

Oil is being removed as the commodity which drives the global economy. The new basic commodity is humanity, transformed into Big Data which will be controlled and tokenized on blockchains. Instead of the stock market betting on whether a barrel of oil will rise and fall in price, it will bet on whether you will live or die, and which bits of your information are still valuable. The key term to know in this transition is 'rehypothecation.' In the videos below, alt- and techno-commentators explain how humanity is becoming the new global commodity through rehypothecation.

Pomp Podcast #346: Caitlin Long On Federal Banks and Bitcoin (27 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

This is a launch not unlike the roll-out of a new iPhone, except that the nature of this particular technology - humanity commodified on the blockchain and integrated with computers through nanotechnology - is being obscured.

I have explained on this blog how robotics failed to cross the Uncanny Valley over the past generation. We never got Blade Runner androids which were nearly indistinguishable from humans. As a result, technocrats decided to transfer their chips and tools into our bodies, and turn us into the androids. As I have stated in other posts, this is why Bill Gates leads the trend: humans are computing's new wetware. The human body is Microsoft's Windows 11.1 operating system. Gates's involvement in the pandemic and education, as well as other social areas which should normally be outside his field of activity, are red flags that these areas are being subjugated to the needs of the technocracy.

Blockchain: Life on the Ledger (4 September 2018). Video Source: Youtube.

The new economy will be based on the metrics of your physical existence, vastly expanding the definitions developed by medicine, the life and health insurance industries, and the banking and credit sectors. To survive in this emerging economy, it's not enough to talk about hyperinflation, worry about the overheated stock market, or buy gold and cryptos. It is necessary to understand how and why the economy is changing, and what that will mean for you when your thoughts and actions are intimately monitored and positively or negatively monetized.

My analyses on the rehypothecation of humanity will appear on the Blog's forum and in upcoming Patreon blog posts.

Part 1: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (22 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 2: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (24 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 3: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (27 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Part 4: The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Global Technocratic Takeover w/ Alison McDowell (4 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

See all my posts on Time and Politics.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchats: At the Lion's Gate

Strength card in the Tarot of the Imagination (8 March 2001) © Ferenc Pinter / Lo Scarabeo.

I have increased the bookchats on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad) to include daily, unusual insights into the changing economy, especially in relation to cryptocurrencies, nanotechnology, and technocracy. Blockchains are fascinating - until you're inserted into them.

These meetings are each evening in the #bookchat room, (6-7:30 pm Eastern (10 pm-11:30 pm UTC). If I cannot attend at that time, I'll notify the Discord group and do the session the next day.

On Fridays, I will continue to talk in #bookchat (6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC) about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. This week, the possible start to World War 3 could not have been more surreal, when the People's Liberation Army introduced their dedicated boy band in a live Hong Kong performance, "I am the bullet."

解放軍駐港部隊唱歌跳舞 弱智到冇人有 backup (2 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village. Analyses of findings from these sessions will appear in blog posts and vidchats on Patreon and in the blog's forum. The blog's Discord, forum and Patreon offerings were established to develop a free, mutually-supporting community.

To mark the arcane Lion's Gate on 8/8/2020, the alt media are launching the fortnightly hashtag: #ExposeBillGatesDay. You can see related material on that herehereherehere, and here. I am not convinced that we will end up living and dying in a billionaire's paradise. These people are creatures of the system. When it is destroyed, they will erase their own bases for authority and wealth.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Bank Glitches and the Beirut Disaster

Beirut explosion: footage shows massive blast shaking Lebanon's capital (4 August 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Against the backdrop of the Beirut explosion which took place 6 p.m. local time (11 a.m. ET) (see it here), it is very strange that tonight and for the past week or so, dozens of online banking services and some card services have been coincidentally down for maintenance, as is evident from tweets of disgruntled customers around the world.

Image Source: CNN.

Image Source: Nina dos Santos via CNN.

Image Source: Hassan Ammar/AP via CNN.

Does the Beirut disaster connect to the fragility of the global economy at this moment? Banking is a worldwide business, and perhaps financial systems needed an upgrade. But maybe there is something more to the hundreds of complaints of bank customers on Twitter through the end of July and into the first days of August, 2020, who noticed that online banking services, and sometimes cards and ATMs, were suddenly not working. See a selection of complaints below the jump. There were hundreds more besides these examples, from around the globe.

Image Source: Bank of Montreal.

Friday, July 31, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: One Ring to Rule Them All

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat in which I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

This week's newsletter is here. Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 31 July 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: Banks Enter the Crypto Space

  • Will the mainstream financial system consume the cryptospace, or will cryptos remain independent? Who will profit?

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A New Day is Dawning

Bitcoin and the global markets | Funny | 2020 (31 March 2020). Video Source: Youtube. Hat tip: The Dollar Vigilante.

A new day is dawning. Will mainstream financial entities consume the cryptospace or will they be consumed by it? That is the topic of discussion this Friday evening (31 July 2020 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern (22:00 to 01:00 UTC)) on the blog's Discord group.
  • My invitation link to Crypto.com is here: (referral code: zju6byz4vq).
  • My Coinbase invitation is here.

  • My Bitbuy referral link is here (referral ID: 9NNHWIHWE).

  • Binance, here (referral IDs: 41817819 or IBYYBGRH).
  • My Swissborg referral link is here.
  • Wealthsimple's crypto waitlist is here.
  • BTC: 1NnSDexmAjopLUhdxu6jzChFNpxrGzHpT9

Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Camera's View of History

I Found The Abandoned Sleepy Hollow Millionaires Mansion - (EVERYTHING LEFT EVEN HUMAN ASHES) (22 October 2019). Video Source: Youtube.

It's just close enough to be recognizable, and just far away enough to be in the past. This British urbex find, probably in Kent, included three sets of human ashes. Two urns remained at the kitchen table, as though the ladies of the house were having a ghostly breakfast. One urn with ashes of a male resident, possibly a surgeon, was left on a mantlepiec. The earliest artefacts dated from around 1900 to 1910, with the last resident abiding there until around 2005. It is another testament to the wreckage of the 20th century.

You can't take it with you, and when you don't, a futuristic explorer with a camera's view of history could rifle through your things for a global audience.


Friday, July 24, 2020

2020 Time Warp

2020 Thus Far (3 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: Property Rights over the Body

Image Source: AP.

Do we have rights over our bodies, or do corporations, or does the state? Vaccinations, the economy, the environment, identity politics, and slavery in past, present, and future: all involve authority over physicality and how we relate to the physical world.

The Histories of Things to Come blog community is questioning materialism and anti-materialism as the human body, animals, and the environment are about to become wetware, the operating system of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Weekly AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (invite code: Zy9XVad or https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). I will be online to discuss my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village, a red-pilled history: Friday, 24 July 2020 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern (22:00 to 01:00 UTC).

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: Look through the Looking Glass

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (invite code: Zy9XVad or https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 17 July 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: Shadow Banking, AI, and Cryptos
  • Swap lines and the shadow banking system.
  • AI's pandemic applications. 
  • Twitter hack and Bitcoin's bad reputation.

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Pandemic Chats in the Darkness 7: Welcome, Comrade

It’s Just A Mask (12 July 2020). Video Source: Youtube. Mirrored here and here.

I have a new Patreon subscriber blog post up, in which I argue that the pandemic reveals how Millennial politics is not about left-versus-right ideologies, even though it is presented in those terms. The opening section here provides a preview to the Patreon post.

Welcome, Comrade

As in the video above, the pandemic is pushing politics past normal left-right divisions into the realm of chaos. There is a lot of confusion about this chaos. It pits red pills against blue pills, but there is little mainstream understanding of what those terms mean as Millennial politics evolves.

The media - like the New York Times in their ill-conceived response to Elon Musk's red-pilled moment in May 2020, have completely misunderstood red-pilling. The NYT viewed red-pilling in an ahistorical, 20th century light, as a type of racist online conservatism, which attacks mainstream liberalism. This is not what red-pilling is. Red-pilling can be anti-liberal, but it is not fundamentally so. Red-pilling is anti-systemic.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Lockdown Poem

Image Source © LC Douglass (2020) / Instagram.

Recent discussions on this blog's Discord group have focused on alchemical colour symbolism used in relation to artificial intelligence and the pandemic. For example, at the start of a great transformation necessary to produce a magnum opus, black must be pitted against white. Does this sound familiar?

I have a new poem about the lockdown which explores alchemical colours, just published on Vocal Media. It is an ode to unpacking all my mum's artworks.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today: Banks in the Potemkin Village

Image Source: 4chan.

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 10 July 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: Banks in the Potemkin Village

  • Assessing current economic challenges.
  • How individuals can pivot into the new system. 
  • Summary of past four bookchats, 12 June, 19 June, 26 June, 3 July 2020.

Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Revolutionary Automatons, Our New Pandemic Intimates

There are curios called bird boxes, or singing automaton bird cages, which were popular in the late 18th, 19th to mid 20th centuries. These were music boxes, but featured artificial caged birds which would chirp real-sounding bird songs. They are charming, yet disturbing, and were mainly popular among wealthy people in Germany, Switzerland, France, and America.


Bird boxes were invented in Geneva in the mid-1780s by Pierre Jaquet-Droz (1721-1790); these mechanical automatons were once the mark of cutting edge technology from the revolutionary era. In late 19th century France, artificial mechanical life forms were an objet d'art of great importance. One of the most 20th century famous bird box makers was a German music box specialist, Karl Griesbaum. Bird boxes sell on eBay for USD $700-$2000. See related Websites, herehere, and here.

A French pre-revolutionary artefact from 1772, restored in 1864: Joueuse de Tympanon - automate (6 October 2006). Video Source: Youtube.

From the late 19th century, Industrial Revolution: Nancy - The Automaton (12 May 2007). Video Source: Youtube.

It is an odd fact that in revolutionary times, people become obsessed with imitating life using mechanized entities - dolls, golems, robots, androids - or in our case, AI consciousnesses. In the video below, note the creepy anthropomorphization of mobile phones and pandemic tagging and tracking apps, referred to as cousins of Hanson Robotics' gnostic fembot Sophia. The interview also suggests that phones, computers and robots are our new intimate friends as we humans are forced to social distance from one another.

Pandemic Revolution? Sophia Life: Interview with AI Researcher Tina White (7 May 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Sophia the Robot Gives a Glimpse of What's to Come in 2020 #Sophia2020 (14 January 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

In 2018, the film, Bird Box, borrowed the name of revolutionary singing bird automaton collectables to describe people surrounded by deadly paranormal entities. Only caged birds, which provided a warning against approaching monsters, prevented people from committing suicide.

Bird Box | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix (24 October 2018). Video Source: Youtube.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today

Image Source: Raconteur.

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group (https://discord.com/invite/Zy9XVad). This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 3 July 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC).

Theme: New Roots of Domination
Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today

Image Source: Discord.

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group. This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 26 June 2020. 6-9 pm Eastern (10 pm-1 am UTC). Note this is a new, later time.

In the chat:
  • The World Economic Forum launches the Great Reset. Respond and survive on your own terms, especially locally.
Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Current Crises and Public Justice

Image Source: Fine Art America.

I have a new post up at Patreon, for $1 subscribers.

Become a Patron!

This post asks how we got to a point where the Federal Reserve was printing USD$1 trillion per day in March, 2020. We live in a world where cause and effect do not connect; where our leaders can do anything, hit bottom and dig, and no one can stop them.

As I discussed in this post at The Dragonfly, our whole global system is based on a disconnection between actions and consequences. Not only that, but this standpoint has moral, psychological, emotional, and spiritual consequences. Everything is based on simulated approximations and substitutes, materialistic proxies for the real thing. At the most profound level, this includes consumer goods and social status as replacements for love and compassion.

Crimes at the highest levels go hidden and unpunished. The everyday person is blamed for this great gap in accountability, which originated in the Second World War. Are there punishments for authorities' transgressions and violations of public trust? Or can the global public be endlessly plundered with no justice?

"They got away with it." "How did they get away with it?" crimes and misdemeanors (3 June 2009). Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989) © Orion Pictures. Reproduced non-commercially under Fair Use. Video Source: Youtube.

I am developing a general argument that pandemic crises will lead to a moment when actions will finally have consequences, thereby devastating the current order and all who have most profited from it. In order to understand this outcome better, today's Patreon post examines how we got here, by responding to the philosophical origins of our present, irresponsible materialism.

Those origins are summarized in the documentary below. They concern philosophical concepts of positive and negative liberty, which were developed in the 1950s, and which were combined by global policy-makers from the 1980s to the 2000s.

The Trap 1 - Fuck you Buddy! - Adam Curtis | Documentary (11 April 2016). Video Source: Youtube. Reproduced under Fair Use.

The Trap 2 - The Lonely Robot - Adam Curtis | Documentary (13 April 2016). Video Source: Youtube.

The Trap 3 - We Will Force You to Be Free - Adam Curtis | Documentary (16 April 2016). Video Source: Youtube.

The Patreon post explains how the abuse of negative and positive liberty has led to a mendacious system, filled with illusions of prosperity, security, and love, rather than the real things. In our own personal lives, these lies start out early and seemingly innocently - as with traditions around Santa Claus (below).


This whole philosophical view is dangerous. It constitutes a distorted form of freedom, the freedom for blue-pilled, mainstream, conformist citizens to believe in universal lies, illusions, and proxies. These lies lead straight to totalitarianism. The way through and out of this problem depends on a reappraisal of freedom and the development of a system which demands that truth be reinstated as a basis for systemic architectures, private life, and public justice. My upcoming Patreon posts will discuss the path back to reality and the most creative individuals and projects committed to that end.

Orwell 1984 - O'Brien: Freedom and reality (2+2=5) (4 February 2013). Video Source: Youtube.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Online Group Discussion and AMA Bookchat Today

Image Source: 4chan. A play on this painting.

A reminder, there is an AMA Bookchat today on the blog's Discord group. This is a weekly text chat where I talk with readers about technology's legacy in the early 21st century, in the form of red-pilled history. My definition of red-pilling is here. The bookchat is part of my work while I write my book-in-progress, Inside the Potemkin Village.

Everyone is invited to join the discussion. Friday, 19 June 2020, 4-7 p.m. Eastern (8-11 p.m. UTC). Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat. The blog's Discord was established as a free, mutually-supporting community.

In the chat:
  • Toppled statues and the destruction of history. This is history, pressed to serve the causes of current politics.
  • Are protesters larping for tolerance? A revolution? An election? Are their activities a distraction from a collapsing economy and Pandemic Two?
  • The alt-right underground dismisses BLM's and Antifa's summer protests as a left-wing psyop and "fake narrative" to benefit the Democrats in the US election. They have considered psyop-ing the psyop by demanding that Yale University be renamed under Twitter hashtag #renameyale. Rather than fight with the demonstrators (as football fans recently did in the UK BLM protests), the trolls are encouraging the left to escalate their tactics. Right-wing anons understand memes like no one else, and in that spirit, they are launching new, pro-left anti-historical campaigns. Anons believe they are competing with the far left for the average voter, who can be swayed toward conservatism not through right-wing outrage at erased history, but through inconvenience, irritation, and annoyance at constant disruptions and socialist extremism. The trolls believe that it's not the toppled statues that will make the average citizen vote conservative. It's the traffic jams and trash around anarcho-syndicalist autonomous collective encampments and the disappeared police from leafy suburbs in major cities. Suburbanites don't really want to live in a Purge reality.
  • These actions and debates 'quote' and rewrite modern history, when very similar events took place. In the past, removal of statues was a prelude to societal collapse and violence.
  • We go full Orwell, as historians advocate the erasure of history in the mainstream media. A reminder that in Nineteen Eighty-Four, Winston Smith's job was erasing history, which was the dystopian equivalent to being a historian.
  • Meanwhile, in the mainstream media: the CBC was horrified to discover that a large portion of alt-right actors online are Canadians. The CBC deemed extremism as any engagement with information that falls outside the mainstream media narrative, which they define and control.
  • It all shows that history is written by the power players and it shows how information is connected to power plays.

Video Source: 4chan. A tweeted criticism of this comparison.

Subscriber blog posts on all these topics (Patreon: $1/month) will start this week. Access to the forum is for in-depth community discussion and planning to deal with financial stresses and the pandemic (Patreon: $5/month). Online video meetings are for specific problems and fine planning ($10/month).

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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Socialism for the One Per Cent

July 2017: Janet Yellen testimony to the US House Financial Services Committee. Image Source: Youtube.

The Iraq War and Great Recession deformed socialism. On the surface, the new socialism looks like the old socialism, and offers support to those who suffer from social and economic inequality. Meanwhile, this is really Socialism for the One Per Cent. It uses the old socialism as a virtue-signaling meme, which has been weaponized to deceive left-liberal citizens and gain their support. Meanwhile, the One Per Cent seize public wealth for their own private good.

Republic Of CHAZ: Whites Pressured To Give Blacks $10 Each (14 June 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Here is an example of how old socialism is being used as a meme to conceal the aims of new socialism for the One Per Cent. From the above video on the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle:
"Seattle's so-called Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) has begun reparations, as white members of the fledgling sovereignty were asked on Friday night [12 June 2020] to give at least one black person $10 before leaving the area.

'I want you to find, by the time you leave this autonomous zone, I want you to give ten dollars to one African American person from this autonomous zone. And if you find that's difficult - if you find it's hard for you to give ten dollars to people of color, to black people expecially [sic], you have to think really critically about - in the future, are you going to actually give up power and land and capital when you have it?

If you have a hard time giving up ten dollars, you have to think about: are you really down with this struggle? Are you really down with the movement? Because if that is a challenge for you, I'm not sure if you're in the right place.

So find an African American person. White people, I see you. I see every one of you, and I remember your faces. You find that African American person and you give them ten dollars. Cash up, venmo, ten dollars in your pocket. That's my challenge to you. Do it.'"
While a huge debate on racism is underway, there is one basic fact which people of colour should note while they attend global Black Lives Matter protests. You would think the above medium of exchange being discussed was USD $10 dollar bills. It wasn't.

Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz Exposes Democrats, Antifa, BLM and More (2 June 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

On the blog's Discord group this week, I posted links to several scientific research articles which confirm that people of African, East Indian, and Asian descent are more susceptible to the coronavirus than Caucasians. Authorities and organizers who encouraged minorities to go out and protest do not have their best interests at heart. People of colour are being manipulated through their understandable concerns about racism in order to launch Pandemic Two.

Anyone considered by the One Per Cent to be a financial burden just so happens to be more susceptible to this virus. First, it was the elderly, dying in droves behind locked doors of care homes. Now, visible and minority ethnic groups have been prompted to mingle en masse without protection in dozens of major cities.

Next, we discovered that people with disabilities and those who are intellectually challenged and suffer from mental health disorders are also most susceptible to dying from COVID19 and will be denied life-saving support in hospitals.

You could not provide the Fourth Reich conspiracy theorists with more evidence to confirm their paranoia about a secret global Nazi Deep State. We can despise the conspiracy theorists and their lurking anti-Semitism. But the smoke and mirrors of conspiracy theories only distract from the basic fact that this virus is remarkably selective and awfully convenient for a bankrupt system. And who bankrupted the system? The One Per Cent.

The left don't know what they are supporting. Nor do right-wingers, when they support the opposition. Given recent developments in pandemic expense management, we now know that average liberals will not be offered any socialist equality; nor will conservatives get a share of the common wealth and capital they crave.

Why This Reckless Mania Leads to Depression, Not Recession - Mike Maloney (10 June 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

Do you really care if the One Per Cent claim they are left-wing or right-wing, when they will plunder you either way? Whatever slogans and values they pretend to follow, and no matter what your own political beliefs, they are about to grab the total value of your lives and homes, destroy your families and whole way of life. Behind the façades of identity politics and Pandemics One and Two, these millionaires and billionaires have launched a revolution, which will serve them (and only them) for the next century. That is what the pandemic is: a socialist revolution by, and for, the One Per Cent.

For daily updates on this development, go to the blog's free Discord group. To consider how best to respond, this month on the blog's forum we are going to get to the bottom of BlackRock Inc., the world's largest asset manager. In 2015, Carl Icahn predicted of BlackRock:
"The public got screwed in ‘08, they're gonna get screwed again."
Carl Icahn ...... danger ahead (29 September 2015). Video Source: Youtube.

On 24 March 2020, the Fed tapped BlackRock to buy US pandemic debt. The Bank of Canada is also interested in this scheme. On 27 March 2020, thirty groups expressed concern about this development in a letter to the Fed (here).

The BlackRock Take Over Of America, Brought To You By COVID-19 (16 Jun 2020). Video Source: Youtube.

The Last American Vagabond confirms that Donald Trump had multi-million-dollar investments in BlackRock before he was elected in 2016. And now, under his administration, the world's biggest hedge fund just took over the fiscal and monetary policies of North America. This move will pump stocks and make the rich richer, but it will completely and permanently impoverish anyone who works in the real economy. This is technically illegal. Government banks are not supposed to invest public monies in the stock market. But BlackRock is offering a workaround.

In this environment, we must take digital responsibility for ourselves. Information is the new capital and we must actively engage with it, rather than just absorbing it as passive consumers.

For this reason, I am raising funds to develop this blog's community, so that readers and members can discuss current crises, and build a private network of conscious digital citizens, consumers, and investors.

Image Source: AZ Quotes.

I am also writing a book, Inside the Potemkin Village, on the impact of technology on early 21st century history and red-pilled cyber resistance movements. I am available to answer questions and entertain discussion on red-pilling and Orwell's famous warning: he who controls the past controls the future. There will be a Bookchat on the Discord group on Friday, 19 June 2020, 4-7 p.m. Eastern (8-11 p.m. UTC). Go to the room marked hashtag #bookchat, with a focus this week on the toppling of historical statues in the BLM protests.

Subscriber Patreon blog posts on all these topics (Patreon: $1/month) will start this week. Access to the forum builds the community so that we can deal with financial stresses and the pandemic (Patreon: $5/month).

Upper-tier patrons (Patreon: $10/month) are invited to group video NEWSCHATS (middle of each month, starting in July 2020) for strategic planning.

Top-tier patrons have access to personal tarot readings (monthly), and MYSTERIES CHATS (end of each month, starting in July 2020). If you prefer to donate in Bitcoin or by Paypal, please contact me (here).

Become a Patron!

See all my posts on Epidemics here and here.

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